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Playful yet superior, this glamorous breed of dog adores attention but has a distrust of strangers. Their magnificent coat needs much grooming and plenty of exercise is also required. Standing at 74 cm (29 inches) they are not the easiest of breeds to train.

Details Contact Information Details Additional Info.
South Yorkshire
Mrs Pauline Gibbs,
The Halstead,
Sheepwalk Lane,
Tel. 01302-788755
Mob. 07880-705151
Up to now, the previous home of 6 Champion Afghan Hounds.
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Crufts Supreme Champion 1983
22 CCs, 16 Res CCs, 18 BoB,

10 Group Wins.
Ch Stakes Finalist '81, '82, '83.
Top Afghan Dog 1980
Afghan of the Year '81 & '83
Our Champion
Montravia Kaskarak Hitari was the first Afghan Hound to win Supreme Champion Crufts (1983) and was Top Afghan Dog of the Year for 5 years.

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