
your Sheep on Best of Breeds / Country Breeds web site for just £15 per year
Click Here |
Acorn Zwartbles Sheep, Ormskirk, Lancashire. Breeder of pedigree
registed zwartbles sheep, Shetland ponies and the famous blue egg laying cream legbar
hens. Stock ushally for sale. Contact Laura Cooke, Tel. 01704 841991 Email acorncattery@aol.com Web Site www.acornzwartbles.co.uk |

Arenig Gotland Sheep, Bala, Gwynedd. Registered Pedigree Flock
of Gotland Sheep. Prized by felters, hand spinners and craft makers for their high quality
fleece and pelts. Gotland lambs also produce an excellent lean carcase. Ewes, Lambs &
Rams, fleece and pelts for sale. Rebeca Shakespear-Fry Tel. No.: 07816 120677, Mobile:
07816 120677, Email: mail@welshwoolnwings.co.uk
Web Address: http://www.welshwoolnwings.co.uk |

Baylham House Rare Breeds Farm At Baylham House
Rare Breeds Farm we have seven small flocks of rare sheep, four breeds of cattle, pygmy
goats, chickens and two breeds of pig including Kune Kunes, the wonderfully friendly Maori
pigs from New Zealand. We are happy to advise you on the husbandry of any of the
breeds that we keep and also sell you any surplus stock that we have available. |

Lady Acorn Limited, Warwickshire. Breeders
of Rare Breed pigs and sheep. We have Oxford and Sandy Black, Gloucester Old Spot and
Saddleback pigs. Our sheep are North Ronaldsays and Texalls. All our animals live outdoors
and are free to roam, they are all handled from birth. Texal cross North Ronaldsay
lambs for sale £25.00 each (Not sold in singles), ready 8th May onwards. They all come tothe bucket, so easy to round up!
Please call Carol Radford on 01827
711289/07792726965. Email carol@ladyacorn.co.uk.
Web Address: www.ladyacorn.co.uk |

Flock 04351, Derbyshire. VIEWING & SALE Day for surplus stock on: SATURDAY 30
AUGUST from 8.30am. Please phone or email interest and to arrange a time beforehand.
(other dates possible by arrangement) Prices listed for single animals5 Shearlings (2013)
for tupping this Autumn - £150
14 Ewe Lambs (2014) - £100
5 Ewes (1born 2012, 2born 2009, 1born 2007 - £140
12 Wether Shearlings (2013) excellent for hoggett meat boxes later in the Autumn, or for
grazing - - £110
18 Wether Lambs (2014) - £ 75
1 Handsome Ram- Needwood Domino ( 2011) - offers
(Heptovac P Plus System wormed. Clicked for Blowfly)

Janet Watson, Tel. No.:
01335 346121 Email: janetwatson@uwclub.net Web
Address: www.moorescottagefarm.co.uk/jacobflock |
Sayers Shetlands, Shetland Sheep, East Sussex. Young
stock from a pedigree herd of 30+ breeding ewes usually available. Breed Champions at
Singleton Rare Breeds Show & Cranleigh show 2008, please call to discuss your
requirements. Contact David & Debbie Turner, Tel. 01323 811233, Mobile 07966 437616,
Email sayers.shetlands@btinternet.com |
