
your Beekeeping activities on Best of Breeds / Country Breeds web site for just £15 per
year. Click Here |
Ark Birds and Bees Kent. We are located in Charing; a small
Village just off the A20/ between Junction 8 and 9 of the M20. We keep 10 colonies of bees
and offer a free swarm collection service in the Ashford, Kent and surrounding village
areas. We also offer beekeeping tuition on a one to one basis from April to August and
supply beekeeping equipment and clothing from our on site shop. Additionally we breed and
supply poultry and waterfowl, also stocking;- housing, feed, husbandry and healthcare
items from our on site shop. We operate by appointments only. For more details:- Visit www.arkbirdsandbeeskent.co.uk
Contact:- 07515595706 or 07894833779 or email the1ark@btinternet.com |

Picton Farm, Norfolk - Bees and
beekeeping. We keep a large number of our own bees and run beekeeping courses
from our apiary near to North Walsham. We emphasise the need for practical experience
before starting with bees. Our courses are very hands-on and start from £7 for an
introductory session. We run three beginners courses each year, each consisting of a
minimum of 4, 3-4 hour, evening sessions beginning in May (it usually runs to 5). The
beginners course will cover basic inspections and manipulations, disease treatments and
feeding. It is aimed at giving people enough knowledge and practical skills to get their
own bees with the support of a local association. In 2013 the cost of this course will be
We also cover catching and
clipping queens, honey harvesting and processing and hive making and wax processing and
products. These are available as individual sessions during the year and may be included
in the course if there is time or if we have a number of rainy sessions. We are bee
farmers and so once people have taken part in a course and joined the local association,
then we welcome them to join us for some more intensive sessions where they will be able
to consolidate their learning by putting it into action. This will involve swarm control,
feeding, disease treatments, honey harvesting or queen rearing, depending on the time of
the season. Sometimes it may include preparing nucs for sale and sealing hives up for
We will have bees available
for sale each year and will begin taking orders from July.
Jen Burgess, Tel. No.:
01692408929, Mobile: 07876762053, Email: picton_24@btinternet.com
Web Address: http://pictonfarm.wordpress.com/ |

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