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Reported by Ghalib Al-Nasser, Chairman

The Spangled BBA had a new venue to hold its Spangle Day incorporating the AGM in Markfield, Leicestershire allowing members from all parts of the country to participate in this event. The Chairman, Ghalib Al-Nasser, opened the meeting by welcoming the 23 members present and thanked them for bringing their birds to the show for the outgoing President Cy Thorne to judge. He made a special welcome to the speakers of the day, Mick Freakley & Ian Ainley, who have proved themselves on the show bench time and again by winning numerous awards at the B.S. club show and twice as World Champions in 2007 and 2008. They have also done well with their Spangles over the years winning Best Spangle in Show at the Club Show on a number of occasions and also Best Opposite Sex in Show with a Spangle hen.

Speakers and officials at the Spangle Day
(l to r: Bruce Ross, Ian Ainley, Cy Thorne, Mick Freakley & Ghalib Al-Nasser)

Mick informed the meeting (with the aid of slides) that 90% of the partnership’s success with spangles is due to his partner Ian, as he mostly specialises in Normals while Ian has Cinnamons and Pieds. It was an outcross that Ian brought in from Bernard Kellett back in 2005 that put them on the road to success with Spangles, as the outcross was a Double Factor Spangle Yellow cock which was a very good budgie as well as being a spangle. The aim is to control the variety and not the other way round. Bernard obtained an average spangle hen from Jo Mannes which when paired to his stud eventually converted his stud to about 80% spangles.

Because both have small studs with fewer number of breeding cages than most fanciers, and as Ian has only 12 breeding cages, the variety is kept under control and only the best birds are used for breeding. The Double Factor outcross was not a prolific breeder and they decided to pair him to two normal Grey Green hens. One chick produced was exceptional and the other, an Opaline Spangle flecked hen, was a pet type. This hen was paired to the best Grey Green cock and produced 33 chicks with some very good quality ones among them. Eventually a Spangle was paired to a good Cinnamon hen because there were not good enough normal hens available and this produced a Spangle Cinnamon Light Green cock which eventually won Best in Show at South Cheshire BS. This bird was swapped with a Yellowface Grey cock from Huxley & Marchant and so the yellowface in the spangle variety was introduced.

Ian highlighted some of their successes at the B.S. club show and the families that they used to breed the Spangle Yellowface hen that was best opposite sex in show at the 2009 club show, which has sadly died this year. However, they managed to get 7 chicks from her before she died. The chicks show mixed results. Their goal is trying to take the spangle variety as an outcross and turn it back to normals to progress their normals.

While Mick and Ian were busy presenting their talk and answering questions, our outgoing president Cy Thorne judged the 43 Spangles present, from 8 exhibitors, which was slightly up from last year. The Best in Show and best champion went to Jerry Donovan for the fifth consecutive year with a magnificent Light Green cock. Jerry also benched the best young bird with a Double Factor Spangle White cock while his Double Factor Spangle White hen won the best opposite sex award. In fact Jerry dominated the results winning also Best Single Factor, Double Factor, Green, Blue and  best-marked Single Factor Spangle with another Light Green cock. Best intermediate went to Mick Anzara with a quality Cinnamon Grey Green cock while Stuart Landsdowne won the novice award with a Double Factor Yellow cock. The best beginner award went to Andy Benton with a Double Factor White cock. All members present were relieved when the Chairman informed them that Jerry will be judging the show next year in his capacity as the outgoing President therefore we will be a new winner!

The Alf Ormerod Memorial Trophy for the 2009 Most Spangle Young Bird wins went to Brian Wilson.

Winners at the Spangle Day with the president Cy Thorne
(l to r: Jerry Donovan, Mick Anzara, Cy Thorne, Stuart Lansdowne & Andy Benton)

At the AGM the Chairman welcomed members to the 23rd AGM. The outgoing president Cy Thorne commented on how much he enjoyed his year as the President and congratulated all members who did so well at the Club Show and here today.


All officers gave positive reports on their activities and the balance sheet looked very healthy. Jerry Donovan was inaugurated as the new President and Bob Allen was elected to the post of President Elect. All other officers remained the same and were announced as: Ghalib Al-Nasser and Stuart Forbes, Life Vice Presidents; J. Al-Nasser, S. Amos, J. Attwood, F. Canham, B. & C. Heale, R. Molkentin, F. Silva, R. Stringer & R. Thumwood, Vice Presidents; Ghalib Al-Nasser, Chairman & Publicity Officer; Rod Clarke, Vice Chairman & Patronage Secretary; Bruce Ross (48 Millfields, Aycliffe Village, Co. Durham DL5 6ND. Tel: 01325 321578. email:, Secretary; John Cosby, Membership Secretary; Janice Al-Nasser, Treasurer; Ian Clarke, editor; Sue Clarke, Trophy Steward; Bob Allen, Ian Brickwood, Cy Thorne and Clifton Wixon, committee members. It was decided at the AGM that the next Spangle Day will be held on 24th April 2011 in the Northampton area. A new rule was passed at the AGM allowing the President to stay in his post for 3 years coming into effect at the next AGM. The society’s website is fully updated (

Jerry Donovan, the new president, with Cy Thorne, the outgoing president at the AGM

Both the Chairman and the new president Jerry Donovan, in their closing remarks, gave a special THANK YOU to Sue & Rod Clarke for providing the day’s lunch and refreshments with the assistance of Bob Whattam, to Cy Thorne, Arnold Stevens and Stuart Landsdowne for providing the staging for the show, to Cy Thorne for judging the show, to Mick Freakley & Ian Ainley for presenting a wonderful morning session, to John Cosby for dealing with the show and to the members for turning up with their birds, and wished them a safe journey home.

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