Members of the Spangled B.B.A. observed a Minutes silence at the recent Spangle Day/Annual General Meeting in memory of Peter Sanderson (past President) and Dave Hobbs (committee member).
The President Janice Al-Nasser welcomed members to the meeting and thanked Swindon Budgerigar & Foreign Bird Society for hosting the meeting and congratulated them on their Golden Jubilee celebrations. Ghalib Al-Nasser, Life Vice President, conducted the proceedings of the Day on behalf of the chairman Stuart Forbes who having difficulty speaking, due to an injured jaw.
While Janice Al-Nasser was judging the show, Paul and Nikki Stannard presented a slide show and talked about their set up and how they started in the hobby. They showed slides of key birds that were part of the formation of their successful stud and some of their top winners including spangles. A Grey cock was the foundation for their Spangle family which produced a Spangle Opaline Grey Green cock that was a little narrow in the face and had poor spangled markings. However, this bird was prepotent, and produced birds far better than itself and was the grandfather of the B.S. Club Show winner. Over the years they have been very successful with Spangles on the show bench in most colours including Opaline, Cinnamon, Double Factor and Yellowface, which they particularly like. They discussed various pairings and said that they preferred to use a top quality cock bird with good feathering paired to a tighter feathered hen that was well bred. They generally found that the larger rougher feathered hens were more difficult to breed with. The main bird room is brick built with conventional wooden breeding cages and wire breeding cages. Another bird room has recently been set up to house some of the specialist and rarer varieties. The nest boxes are fixed to the outside of the cages and filled with Auboise bedding material. Attached to each cage is an automatic watering system and seed hoppers are used inside each cage. They discussed their feeding methods including the various additives they use. Members present were very interested in this aspect of their presentation.
Ghalib Al-Nasser was the second speaker and focused his talk on the history of the Spangle and the Association, breeding techniques, judging of Spangles and the various problems that are associated with present day Spangles regarding wing marking and spots. He told members that he had received new information last year from an interview conducted with Melvyn Jones of Traralgon, Victoria, Australia who established the variety in 1974 and highlighted the difference as to how the original Spangle was bred and named. This differed from the information in the Spangle Handbook. The information stated that the initial Spangle bred in 1973 was, in fact, a Single Factor Australian Yellowface Blue cock bred from an Australian Single Factor Yellowface Blue cock to a skyblue hen. Only this Spangle survived from that breeding pair and he was able to breed with it in 1974 when more Spangles were produced. Eventually the Double Factor Spangle was bred the following year.
The Spangles were brought into Europe in June 1980 by a Swiss fancier, Rolf Christen, who was living in Sydney, Australia, on a visit to his family in Switzerland. He bred with them for one breeding season, sold a few to two Swiss fanciers, one pair to Jo Mannes and the rest to Reinhard Molkentin. The Spangles arrived in the U.K. in 1981 and 1982 to the late Alf Ormerod and Doug Sadler from the Mannes and Molkentin studs.
With the aid of slides, quality Spangles were shown and faults were highlighted. Ghalib further highlighted that the Spangle is mutating again with the various varieties of spangles that are bred such as the "Danish Dominant" in Denmark, the "Cleartail" in Israel and the "Melanistic" Spangle in the U.K.
The Spangle Show There were 80 Spangles for Janice Al-Nasser to judge from 21 exhibitors. The Best spangle in show and best champion went to C & D Jones (Spangle Dark Green cock); best intermediate, R. Cozens (Spangle Opaline Light Green cock); best novice, J. Davies (Spangle Cinnamon Dark Green cock); best beginner, S. White (Spangle Grey cock); best junior, S. Tetsell (Spangle Grey Green hen).![]() Spangle Show Winners |
![]() Best Spangle in Show (Spangle Dark Green cock) C. & D. Jones |
![]() Presentation to C. Jones for Best Spangle in Show by the President, Janice Al-Nasser |
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Left Best Intermediate (Spangle Opaline Light Green cock) - R. Cozens
Right |
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Left Best Beginner (Spangle Grey cock) S. White
Right |
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At the AGM Stuart Forbes was inaugurated as the new President and Alan Moore was elected to the post of President Elect. Steve Amos and Ron Thumwood were elected as Vice Presidents. John Cosby ("Shambles", 7 Oakwood Lane, Moston, Sandbach, Cheshire CW11 9PR. Tel: 01270 526306 e-mail: was elected the new membership secretary and all subscriptions should be addressed to him. Ian Stewart was elected to the committee; all other officers remained the same and were announced as: G. Al-Nasser, Life Vice President; J. Attwood, F. Canham, B. & C. Heale, R. Molkentin, F. Silva & R. Stringer, Vice Presidents; S. Forbes, Chairman & Treasurer; C. Wixon (98 Highworth Crescent, Yate, Bristol BS37 4HL. Tel: 01454 881334 e-mail, Secretary; Mrs. M. Wixon, Vice Chairman & Editor; A. Moore, Patronage Secretary; Mrs. J. Al-Nasser, Publicity Officer; Mrs. S. Clarke, Trophy Steward; R. Clarke & C. Thorne, committee members. |
The subscription fees were increased by £1.00 across the board to be effective as from 1st January 2003 and also the patronage fees were increased by £1.00. J. Dunn was the 2001 winner of the Alf Ormerod Memorial Trophy for most Spangle Young Bird winners. The next AGM will be held on Sunday 27th April 2003 and will be hosted by Leicestershire B&FBS.