at The Budgerigar Society World Championship Show 2001

Reported by Janice Al-Nasser, SBBA Publicity Officer

Sadly our Club Show, held in conjunction with the B.S. World Championship Show, suffered a drop in entry due to the large drop in total entry of the BS Club Show. This of course had a knock on affect on all colours. Also our wish and dream to make it a hat trick was not achieved. The total Spangle entry was 239 (133 and 106 respectively) which was much lower than last year's record entry of 359. Dave Whittaker judged the Green Spangles while Ghalib judged the Blues.

Although the CC winners did not achieve the highs that the previous two years winners did never the less each CC winner figured high in their respective sections. The double factor Spangles did well in the awards again and for the third consecutive year one of the 4 C.C.’s went to a double factor. The Association extends warmest congratulations to all our members who did well at Doncaster.

Presentations by Janet Al-Nasser, President (centre) to S.B.B.A. Trophy  Winners at The Budgerigar Society World Championship Show 2001

Spangle Green Series

Again the best Spangle in Show came from this C.C. and it was the Spangle Grey Green cock of Cliff & Darren Jones that captured this award. The bird excelled in width of face and had good spangle markings; it went on to be placed 6th best champion any age. Intermediates R & J Birchall were runner up with their Spangle Green cock of good balance but spoilt by a slightly bad eye and ended the day being 4th best intermediate any age. Ben Hilton was pleased with his Spangle Grey Green cock occupying third spot in the C.C. line up but his pleasure could not be measured when his bird was placed best beginner any age, well done Ben. Fourth in the line up were the successful novice partnership of Fred & June Smith with another cock of good quality. The best hen from G & A Moore was 6th in the line up and the best double factor in this C.C. (5th in the line up) was a cock from Chris & Mary Snell.

The young bird C.C. was captured by Ron Pearce's Spangle Grey Green cock of good width of face and shoulders which went on to win best Spangle young bird in show and 2nd best champion young bird. A well-deserved win spoilt only by the fact that Ron is not a member (shame on Ghalib for not succeeding in persuading his mate to join our ranks!). Miss C P Smith was runner up with a Spangle Light Green cock of a good top end bird and well presented on the day to win 6th best beginner young bird. P Cunliffe was third with a well-masked cock of quality that captured 4th best novice young bird award. Paul & Nikki Stannard, having recovered from their fabulous win of best young bird in show, had to be content with fourth place with their double factor hen.

All in all a very good line up in each C.C. with the first four places occupied by exhibitors from each of the four senior sections.

Spangle Green ~ Colour Run –Down

Spangle Green Any Age

Spangle Green Young Bird

1st C. & D. Jones                * 1st R. Pearce
2nd R. & J. Birchall              * 2nd Miss C.P. Smith             *
3rd B. Hilton 3rd P. Cunliffe
4th F. & J. Smith                 * 4th P. & N. Stannard           *
5th C. & M. Snell 5th A. & D. Woan
6th G. & A. Moore              * 6th A. R. Huckstep              *
7th J. Ratcliffe 7th S. Wildes                       *
8th W. Ball                          * 8th S. Wildes                       *
9th F. & J. Smith                 * 9th B. Hilton
10th J. & T. Northern            * 10th A.D.M. Tait                   *

*  Denotes SBBA Member

From left to right:
Stuart Forbes (Chairman) with
Nicki Stannard, Les Martin and Paul Stannard

Spangle Blue Series

The any age section produced fewer birds than the young bird section (30 benched to 44). The champion cock class produced 2 birds only, which was very disappointing. A Spangle Cinnamon Skyblue cock from intermediate A Addy, with good face and length, won the C.C. and was 8th best in its section. P Cunliffe followed with a Spangle Grey cock that stood well and had very good spangle markings, also 7th best novice any age. Another Spangle Grey cock was third for the champion J Copeland. The Snell partnership was fourth with a good Spangled Grey hen. The highest double factor was R & V Booth's double factor white cock which was 8th in the colour line up.

A double factor cock won the C.C. for J Dunn and 2nd best novice young bird. A power bird with length, which stood well above the perch. The runner up was T Deacon's Spangle Grey cock of quality and wonderful blow, depth of mask and spangle marking but lacked on condition. It was also 3rd best novice young bird. Frank Silva was third with a Spangle Skyblue cock staged in immaculate condition and good colour contrast and was 7th best intermediate young bird. A Spangle Cinnamon Grey hen from Les & Pat Martin was fourth with good wing marking and head quality. 

 Spangle Blue ~ Colour Run-Down

Spangle Blue Any Age

Spangle Blue Young Bird

1st A.A. Adey                     * 1st J. Dunn                          *
2nd P. Cunliffe 2nd T. Deacon                     *
3rd J. Copeland 3rd F. Silva                          *
4th C. & M. Snell  4th L. & P. Martin               *
5th J. Dunn                          * 5th Heylen-Nettekoven
6th S. Wildes                       * 6th T.G. Graham
7th T. Paice                         * 7th E. Hooper                      *
8th R. & V. Booth               * 8th R.V. Booth                    *
9th I.E. Hooper                    * 9th P.D. White                    *
10th G.A. Hill                        * 10th L. & D. Stanley                         *

*  Denotes SBBA Member

 The Budgerigar Society World Championship Show 17-18 December 2001

Lone Star Spangle News Alf Ormerod Memorial Plaque Best Spangle in Show C. & D. Jones
Alf Ormerod Trophy Best Spangle Green in Show C. & D. Jones
Kevand Rosettes Trophy Best Spangle Green Any Age C. & D. Jones
Tony Ducker Trophy Best Spangle Green Any Age Opposite Sex G. & A. Moore
Ghalib Al-Nasser Trophy Best Spangle Green Young Bird Miss C. P. Smith
Frank Silva Trophy Best Spangle Green Young Bird Opposite Sex P. & N. Stannard
Grant Findlay Trophy Best Spangle Green Champion Any Age C. & D. Jones
Roy Stringer Trophy Best Spangle Green Champion Young Bird I. J. Bonner
Frank Silva Trophy Best Spangle Green Intermediate Any Age R. & J. Birchall
Roy Sylvester Trophy Best Spangle Green Intermediate Young Bird P. & N. Stannard
Ivor Grogan Trophy Best Spangle Green Novice Any Age F. & J. Smith
Janice Foxton Trophy Best Spangle Green Novice Young Bird F. & J. Smith
Mr & Mrs Melvyn-Taylor Trophy Best Spangle Green Beginner Any Age W. Ball
Fred & Sylvia Canham Trophy Best Spangle Green Beginner Young Bird Miss C. P. Smith
Barry Cole Trophy 2nd Best Spangle Beginner Young Bird P. McGrath
Jim Jack Trophy Best Spangle Blue in Show A.A. Adey
Frank Silva Trophy Best Spangle Blue Any Age A.A. Adey
Frank Silva Trophy Best Spangle Blue Any Age Opposite Sex J. Dunn
Jim Jack Trophy Best Spangle Blue Young Bird J. Dunn
Jim Jack Trophy Best Spangle Blue Young Bird Opposite Sex L. & P. Martin
Jim Jack Trophy Best Spangle Blue Champion Any Age R. & V. Booth
Jim Jack Trophy Best Spangle Blue Champion Young Bird L. & P. Martin
Jim Jack Trophy Best Spangle Blue Intermediate Any Age A.A. Adey
Jim Jack Trophy Best Spangle Blue Intermediate Young Bird F. Silva
Jim Jack Trophy Best Spangle Blue Novice J. Dunn
Jim Jack Trophy Best Spangle Blue Beginner Any Age T. Paice
Barry Cole Trophy Best Spangle Blue Beginner Young Bird P. McGrath
Jim Jack Trophy Best Spangle Junior Any Age S. Wildes
Ivor Grogan Trophy Best Spangle Junior Young Bird S. Wildes


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