Leading Rares at the 2006 Specialist & Rares Show
Photos by Terry A Tuxford

Margaret Dark judged the 99 Rares, which was an increase from last year due to the extra classes for the Rainbow and Easley clearbody.

The adult winner went to a well proportional Texas Clearbody light green hen of Geoff Tilson, a bird of good stance and condition. The runners up were the Norris’s Easley Clearbody grey green cock of good length but lacking in condition. Paul McGrath was third with a Texas Clearbody grey hen of quality and staged in good condition apart from a missing spot.

Gren & Pat Norris were the winners of the young bird certificate (and best Rare overall) with a wide headed Easley Clearbody light green cock of wide shoulders. A slate hen of good length and depth of mask from Bob Allen was second followed by Les Cutler’s smart Texas Clearbody oplaine light green hen staged in good condition.

Best English Fallow, Mrs. J. Hill; best German Fallow, R.J. Allen; best Slate, D. Mullee; best Easley Clearbody, G. & P. Norris; best Texas Clearbody, G. J. Tilson; best Rainbow, M. Anzara; best Saddleback, Mrs. J. Hill.

Variety Best Any Age Best Young Bird
BEST OVERALL G & P Norris G & P Norris*
Rainbow M Anzara* A MacVicar
Greywing C Hawkins* A MacVicar
Lacewing J Farnham* M Anzara
German Fallow R J Allen* N/E
English Fallow Mrs J A Hill* N/E
Easley Clearbody G & P Norris G & P Norris*
Texas Clearbody P McGrath* L Cutler
Slate D A Mullee* R J Allen
Saddleback N/E Mrs J A Hill*

 *   indicates Best of each variety overall

34-19texasclearbody GJTilson.jpg (10823 bytes)
34-19 Texas Clearbody G J Tilson
Best Any Age Rare In Show (non-Member)
135-1.jpg (10301 bytes)
135-1 Easley Clearbody G & P Norris
Best Young Bird Rare In Show
32-1germanfallow RJAllen.jpg (9702 bytes)
32-1 German Fallow R J Allen

41-5lacewing JFarnham.jpg (8748 bytes)
41-5 Lacewing J Farnham
42-2greywing CHawkins.jpg (9512 bytes)
42-2 Greywing CHawkins
233-1slate DAMullee.jpg (12102 bytes)
233-1 Slate D A Mullee
536-1saddleback MrsJAHill.jpg (9620 bytes)
535-1 Saddleback Mrs J A Hill
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431-2 English Fallow Mrs J A Hill
437-4rainbow MAnzara.jpg (8722 bytes)
437-4 Rainbow M Anzara