Rare Variety & Colour BS - 2012 Club Show
Compiled by Gh
alib Al-Nasser

Budgerigar Photos by Mick Freakley ©

The Society’s club show was held in conjunction with the Budgerigar Society Club Show and entries in the rare section had a huge drop from 81 to 31 for Philip Reaney to judge while the Any Other Colour section which caters for the Greywings and Lacewings had an increase in entry from 56 to 72 for Robert Ellis to judge. This change in entry was mainly due to the fact that the Clearbody variety was removed from the Rare Variety section to the Any Other Colour section and moving the show date to November may have had an effect as well.

It was the first time that a team of Budgerigars of Colour (miniatures) were benched at the club show when Findlay & Flavell entered a team of four Cobalt cocks.

Rare Variety

Janice Al-Nasser (President of the RV&CBS) with Gren & Pat Norris who won Best Rare in Show

It was the year for the new mutation the Anthracite which was only recognised by The Budgerigar Society in 2012 to take top honour in the Rare Variety section for Gren & Pat Norris winning the adult challenge certificate and Best Rare in Show with an excellent example of the variety staged in good condition. Bob Allen benched an Opaline Slate hen of quality to be in second place and Best Opposite Sex in that section. A Slate cock shown by Deamonn Mullee was placed third best in the colour line up shown in good condition.

The best Rare Young Bird went to Deamonn Mullee with his well balanced Slate hen. This was followed by another Slate hen benched by Bob Allen. Roger Day benched a good coloured Rainbow cock to be awarded the best Opposite Sex and third best in that colour line up.

A – Anthracite, F – Fallow, Sl – Slate, SB – Saddleback, R - Rainbow

Pos.     Rare C.C. Any Age                       Rare C.C. Young Bird

1.          G & P Norris (A)                            D. Mullee (Sl. h)

2.          R. Allen (Sl. h)                                 R. Allen (Sl. h)

3.          D. Mullee (Sl. c)                              R. Day (R. c)

4.          D. Mullee (Sl. h)                              R. Day (R. h)

5.          G & J Al-Nasser (F. c)                    M. Anzara (F. c)

6.          R. Day (R. h)                                   M. Anzara (R. h)

7.         R. Day (R. c)                                   R. Allen (F. h)

Deamonn Mullee Rare Variety young bird CC winner Slate hen

Any Other Colour

Janice Al-Nasser (President of the RV&CBS) with Les Cutler who won Best Any Other Colour

The Any Age Best of Colour winner was a quality Texas Clearbody Grey cock benched by Les Cutler and staged in good condition with nice face and width of shoulder. A long and good conditioned Greywing Opaline Grey cock benched by Bill & Malcolm Hough was in second place. Tom & Andrew Luke were third with a smart Lacewing Opaline Yellow cock.

A White Blue hen of good width of head and feather quality captured the young bird challenge certificate for Ian Voce. The Luke partnership came second in the young bird line up with a lovely well marked and steady Lacewing Opaline White hen. It was good to see the junior Daniel Norman occupying third place with a Texas Clearbody Skyblue hen of good width of face and staged in good condition.

LW – Lacewing, GW – Greywing, Cl - Clearbody, YW – Yellow or White

Pos.     AOC C.C. Any Age                           AOC C.C. Young Bird

1.          L. Cutler (Cl. c)                                    I. Voce (YW. h) *

2.          HW & M Hough (GW. c) *                  T & A Luke (LW. h) *

3.          T & A Luke (LW. c) *                          D. Norman (Cl. h) *

4.          C & M Snell (YW. c) *                         T & A Luke (LW. c) *

5.          D. Corker (YW. c) *                             D. Turner (GW. c)

6.          Hampshire & Metcalfe (YW. c) *       R. Day (YW. c)

7          Hampshire & Metcalfe (YW. h) *      D. Turner (YW. c)

*           indicates non-member of the RV&CBS

Les Cutler’s AOC adult CC winner Texas Clearbody Grey cock


Variety Best Any Age Best Young Bird
Best Rare

G & P Norris *

D. A. Turner


M. Anzara

D. A. Turner *


J. Mitchell *


German Fallow


R. J. Allen *

English Fallow

G & J Al-Nasser *

M. Anzara

Easley Clearbody



Texas Clearbody

L. Cutler *

L. Cutler


R. J. Allen

D. Mullee *


G & J Al-Nasser *



R. Day *

R. Day


G & P Norris *


* indicates Best of each variety overall

Best Rare in Show - Anthracite from Gren & Pat Norris


G. & J. Al-Nasser Trophy for Best Rare in Show

Dave Curtis Memorial Shield for Best Rare Young Bird

Cyril Rogers Cup for Best Greywing

C. Rolls Cup for Best Lacewing

W. Walraven Cup for Best Clearbody

K. Brock Trophy for Best English Fallow

Colin Putt Trophy for Best German Fallow

C. H. Rogers Trophy for Best Slate

Sheila Cook Trophy for Best Saddleback

Ken Gray Trophy for Best Rainbow


G & P Norris

D. A. Turner

D. A. Turner

J. Mitchell

L. Cutler

G & J Al-Nasser

R. J. Allen

D. A. Mullee

G & j Al-Nasser

R. Day